28 Jan

Just recently, I posted my Candy Apple Red So High So Low with a handwritten serial number, and it received an amazing response from you guys. It adds an extra personal touch and a layer of personalization. I really like how this little detail works, so we will be gradually adding them to all our products.

The first shipment with these new numbers is the white/grey SHSL units now heading to Perfect Circuit in the USA. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
SHSL consists of two fully controllable resonant filters (high pass and low pass) arranged in series, CV controls for each filter (compatible with a range of up to ±8 volts), expression controls for each filter, and a preamp capable of everything from a boost to heavy overdrive.

With much more functionality compared to switched (either HP or LP) filter designs and extensive connectivity, it’s perfect for both live and studio use.