SINCE 2017

All orders are subject to product availability.
If an item in your order is unavailable, we will ship you the part of your order that is available. When that item becomes available, we will ship you the rest of your order. Shipping costs for your order are non-refundable and are based on the weight of the items you order and your location. The date of delivery for your order may vary due to carrier shipping practices (normally it is about 4 weeks from the date of shipping), delivery location, method of delivery, and the number of items ordered, and in addition, your order may be delivered in separate shipments.
Additional shipping charges may apply depending on your location and the size of your order. You are responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of your order, including sales tax, value-added tax, customs duties, and excise duties. If there is any damage to the items that you ordered on delivery, you must contact us within 5 days from receipt of your order.
This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can either return your order for a full refund or exchange it for something else. You can return or exchange your purchase for up to 5 days from the receipt. Returned or exchanged products must be in the condition you received them and in the original box and/or packaging. In this case you will have to cover the international shipping both ways. The refund will be performed after the receipt and inspection of an item subject it has not been modified, damaged, including the original packing.
  1. As the manufacturer, we will repair or replace our devices at our discretion for as long as we remain in business. During the first year from the original date of purchase, we will provide free-of-charge repair or replacement for the original owner. If you are not the original owner, please contact us and we will evaluate your situation and provide an appropriate solution.
  2. This warranty does not apply to the enclosure, graphics, knobs, hardware (potentiometers, switches, jacks, etc), user error (including but not limited to voltage or wrong polarity damage), or any devices that have been deliberately destroyed or modified by any party other than Analog Music Company.
  3. In the event the device has been resold or has changed ownership (or we have reasonable grounds to suspect as such), the warranty will be considered void, even if the current owner is the one requesting service.
  4. For any warranty and out of warranty repair, the owner will be responsible for covering the shipping costs in both directions. At our sole discretion, we may provide a forwarding address within the owner's country of residence to facilitate international shipping.
  5. If we provide a cost estimate for the repair, please note that it remains only an estimate and is subject to review and potential adjustment upon the physical inspection of the device once received at our facility.
  6. The repaired devices will be shipped back after the owner covers the shipping and repair cost against our invoice. In case the payment has not been done within 3 months of the invoice, we reserve the right to destroy the device without any compensation to the owner.
  7. During the repair process, we reserve the right to install upgraded or replacement parts, including the latest specification of the device, up to and including a full PCB replacement, without requiring additional consent from the owner.
  8. The same warranty terms apply to devices purchased through authorized dealers as to those acquired directly from Analog Music Company. To validate a warranty claim, proof of purchase identifying the original owner will be required.